Cofradía de la Sentencia de Jesús
Foundation Year: 2002
Canonical See: The Good Shepherd Parish
Sculptural Group of the Judgment of Jesus • García Mengua 2002
Its central axis consists of a scroll where you can read "Sentencia Jesús Condenado a Muerte", this scroll is inside the crown of thorns, symbol of passion and as well as flanked by a reed and a scourge, all this arranged inside an oval of golden color.
It is traditional for this Brotherhood to wear a red tunic and mask. The corporate shield of the brotherhood embroidered on the mask, they carry a red sash. The habit is complemented with a white lace on the hilt of the sleeves, white gloves, black shoes and a medal of the brotherhood.
The origins of the brotherhood go back to the 19th century, when it was one of the largest steps that could be seen in Alicante's Holy Week. Like so many, the old passage of the Sentence, which was the work of the sculptor D. Antonio Riudavets, disappeared in the turbulent events of the 30s of the last century.
The idea of re-founding this brotherhood was conceived after the proclamation that the well-known Alicante brother D. Pepe Carrión offered at the Institutional Act of the Brotherhood of the Arrest in 2002. In a lively debate, the issue of recovering the missing steps in 1931 arose, being the mystery passage of the Judgment of Jesus, one of those that remained to be recovered.
On July 1, 2002, the first Governing Board of the new brotherhood would be constituted, raising the corresponding founding act. The emblem of the brotherhood would be an extended parchment in which you can read "Sentence, Jesus condemned to death", on a scourge and a crossed reed, all framed by a crown of thorns.
At the same time, the clothing of the Nazarene brothers is made, a red tunic, a red sash and hood, and white lace on the sleeves of the tunics. These colours are the original colours of this brotherhood collected in the chronicles of Mr. Víctor Viñez, Mr. Rafael Viravens and the book “Enchanting Alicante” by Mr. Arturo Tresancoras.
Finally, on April 18, 2003, the passage of the Judgment made up of Christ scourged and crowned with thorns, Pilate and a Centurion once again traveled the streets of Alicante. In May of the same year, the Board of Directors will approve the extension of the pass with two new sizes: Claudia Procula, Pilate's wife, and a slave.