Real Hermandad Sacramental de Jesús en Samaria, Santa Oración en el Huerto y Santísima Virgen de la Paz.


Foundation year: 1954

Canonical See: Basilica of Santa Maria



Sculptural Group of Jesus in Samaria: Jesus in Samaria • Anonymous 18th century. Samaritan • White Brothers 1953

Sculptural Group of the Holy Prayer in the Garden: Holy Christ of Prayer in the Garden • Antonio Castillo Lastrucci 1955. Angel; San Pedro; Santiago; San Juan • Antonio Castillo Lastrucci 1955

Image Mariana: Most Holy Virgin of Peace • Juan Ferrándiz Guitaví 1981



The corporate shield is made on the distinctive mauve background of the Brotherhood where we can find the main elements carried by the Comforting Angel in the passage of the Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Holy Chalice and the Cross from which rays of light emanate towards the earth, symbol of surrender and salvation. Behind these main elements we find the Cross of the eight beatitudes: possessing spiritual contentment, living without malice, mourning sins, humiliating oneself when outraged, loving justice, being merciful, being sincere and clean of heart, suffering persecution with patience. , all of it emulating the bread of the Holy Eucharist, the body of Christ.



It is traditional for this Brotherhood to wear a white vest, mask, socks and gloves. Cape and sash made in mauve color. In the center of the mask is placed the shield of the Matriz del Stmo Brotherhood. Cristo del Mar, as well as the coat of arms corresponding to the Brotherhood of the Holy Prayer in the Garden. Complete with white socks and shoes and a Brotherhood medal.



The Brotherhood, as it is known today, was established in 1954. However, its origins lie in the existence of two brotherhoods, the Samaritan and the Prayer in the Garden, existing in previous centuries.

So old must have been the Paso de la Samaritana that the date of the creation of this Brotherhood is unknown, not even approximately, which for so many years, and until 1931, was at the head of the Holy Burial Procession. The Cofradía de la Samaritana was made up of very few brothers, modest people, who when the time came, a spill among the brothers made possible its conservation, assembly and transfer to the Church of Santa María to parade in the Holy Burial at sunset every Friday Holy.


The Hermandad de la Oración en el Huerto, which was integrated almost entirely by the commercial department of Alicante, must trace its origin back centuries, since its ranks included not a small number of artisans, members of those medieval guilds that have now disappeared. If at first, leaving aside artistic postulates, this Brotherhood was flourishing, perhaps as the craftsman lost importance, the number of brothers decreased to the point of endangering the life of the Brotherhood. The name of the person or persons who led this Brotherhood in what we could call its first phase is not known for sure, but we do know that its second phase begins when the then Rev. Sr. Cura Parroco de Santa María, D. Francisco Antón y Tarí, with the collaboration of some parishioners, and especially the barber D. Juan Munto, achieved his reorganization in his aforementioned parish on May 1, 1927; and the following year about thirty confreres paraded lighting the way. In this second period, the passage, which was mounted in the Church of Mercy, was transferred to Santa María in the evening of Holy Tuesday to integrate the General Procession of the Holy Burial on Friday.


They stand out in this period, for their enormous personal work in the Brotherhood, in addition to Father Antón Tarí and Mr. Munto, the Director of the Brotherhood, Very Illustrious Mr. Canon Magistral of San Nicolás, Doctor Mr. Victoriano Albentosa and its President, Mr. Alfredo Barceló Hernandez. Finally, among the sad consequences of the burning of convents in 1931, there was the destruction and loss of the Pass, the carvings, the ornaments and the Brotherhood itself.


Ultimately, the two Brotherhoods (La Samaritana and La Oración en el Huerto) were independent and had their own individual history until their disappearance in 1931, as did a good part of the Holy Week Brotherhoods in Alicante.


However, in 1954, the Governing Board of the Brotherhood of the Cristo del Mar saw fit to recover these two Brotherhoods and united them into one with a single processional parade in order to return their presence to Holy Week in Alicante, which later it would be worth the recognition by the Hon. City Council due to its effort to enhance Holy Week by recovering the tradition of what had been lost by the future of history, with the granting of the only Flag of Honor granted in our city in the entire history of Holy Week.


For its re-founding it was necessary to acquire all the images, since all the heritage of the extinct brotherhoods had been burned, except for the carving of Jesus in Samaria (18th century) which was found by D. Rodes Fajardo and D. Tomás Valcárcel in a chamarilero, to whom it had been sold by a wealthy family that had kept it safe in their home during the war but who was now in financial trouble, thus recovering the original size for the Brotherhood's heritage.


In that year 1954, the image of the Samaritan woman was entrusted to the Hermanos Blanco, imaginers from Alicante, and the Sevillian D. Antonio Castillo Lastrucci the complete group of the Prayer in the Garden (Christ, the Angel and the apostles Santiago, Pedro and Juan) and the gold leaf throne on which he will procession.


His first processional departure was on the night of April 3, 1955 at 11 pm, Palm Sunday, from the Church of Mercy. In the 70s, the Brotherhood increased its invocations with that of the Blessed Virgin of La Paz, processioning for several years a painful one that constituted a very exact copy of the Esperanza Macarena in Seville owned by the Missionaries of Hope, although for unknown reasons this ceased. relationship and stopped processing. The corporation maintained this invocation in its titles while waiting to find an image to replace it.


In June 2007, the family of Mr. Luís Martínez Sánchez donated to the Brotherhood an image signed in 1861 by the image maker Juan Ferrándiz Guitaví that remained for worship in his chapel on the Finca Les Palmeretes and that had previously belonged to the Italian Consul Salvetti . The Brotherhood, thanks to the deep relationship of this family with the Immaculate School of the Jesuit PPs, decided to grant this stature the title of Holy Virgin of Peace and that it be carried by the young high school graduates in their last years of school before passing to the University. It had its first processional exit in Holy Week in Alicante on Palm Sunday, April 5, 2009.


From that moment the brotherhood recovers its ties with the Jesuits, which have their origin in the founding of the Matriz del Cristo del Mar brotherhood by Jesuit Father Rafael Esplá in 1917, being the school that today is part of the Brotherhood of Prayer in the Garden with the participation of all levels of the school.

In 2017 the SM. The King of Spain, Felipe VI, grants the Brotherhood the title of Royal.


Musical contribution to Holy Week

  • Prayer • Miguel Herrero Sanz. Procession march for dulzaina for the passage of the Prayer in the Garden. Handwritten score dated April 3, 2006.

Web: Real Hermandad Sacramental de Jesús en Samaria, Santa Oración en el Huerto y Santísima Virgen de la Paz.

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